“With Kids”

 As my first baby grew out of the napping lots, play-pen-compatible stage, I found myself waiting until the babies were in bed before doing my chores or pleasure activities. Often, though, I would be too tired to do either one. The house got behind, and I ended up frustrated. I realized that this was no way to live and love the next ten years when most likely I’ll always have some stage of little personhood toddling through my home. So I started to work on ways to do my chores and my fun activities WITH my kids. This may not be a new concept to most mamas, but I felt like I had come up with something brilliant! On this blog, I have a tab labeled “with kids” where you will find photo

Edmund, William, and Margaux

Edmund, William, and Margaux

evidence of the things I’ve tried to do with little people involved throughout the process. It’s usually messier, and often seems crazy at the time, but at least it’s never boring! And, with chores and projects getting at least partially done during the day, I’m hoping there may be at least a little evening left after the kids go to bed for some grown-up downtime before we crash too!

1 thought on ““With Kids”

  1. Mateo Abramus

    Aww, it’s so fun to hear from other parents with kids. What fun activities are they up to now? They must have grown a lot!!


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